Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm Gonna Get You Little Goats!

Well, it's been quite some time since I've made any entries, so here we go. Time to play catch-up, time to jump back on that blogger band wagon.
Here we are with Pres a few months back at one of our local petting zoos. Now, when I say my girl is crazy about animals, I aint foolin! This girl is not scared of a thing when it comes to furry creatures no matter what their size. Seeing her put those two goats in a headlock hug was just about the funniest thing I've ever seen. Grandma went with us too, which made for a very special day out. Presley has not stopped talking about the goats and riding on the big horsey.


Unknown said...

that goat picture is the funniest thing i have ever seen...and she looks so darn happy about it too. adorable!!!

Dana and Andrea Davenport said...

Head locking the goats for the the win!!!!!