Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our little baby is growin' up

"I'm gonna eat you - my little pile of squish"

Ready - Set --Silly Smile

"What are you looking at? - It's not my fault.
I don't know how to clean myself yet"

"I gonna be 2" - (we'll have to work on the correct fingers)

Apparently mama is gonna be 2 too...

On March 19th we celebrated Presley's second birthday. She was so excited to have a birthday and for weeks before hand told everyone we saw, "I be two." The morning of her birthday the three of us got up and drove over to the pancake house for chocolate chip pancakes with lots of whip cream. It has become our birthday tradition and is so much fun. On Saturday we had the whole family over and some friends too for a Elmo party. She loved her Elmo ice cream cake and got more sticker books then we even knew existed. Thanks to all our family and friends that help make Punky's second birthday so much fun.

1 comment:

Dana and Andrea Davenport said...

What a DOLL!!!
So hard to believe she is so grown up now. :)