Thursday, February 5, 2009

"say cheezy"

"Don't you wish you knew what I was thinking?"

"I'm not looking down my nose at you. I just noticed
that when I look at you like this you look Asian."

yep, that's my girl! One more month and she'll be two years old. I can hardly believe it. This girl loves being outside like you wouldn't believe. Just one word about going for a walk or going to get the mail or just the word outside sends her bolting towards the front door in search of her favorite shoes, which of course are her white crocks that she refers to as her "crock, crocks." Like every other kid, she puts them on the wrong feet, which of course looks hilarious and makes me laugh every single time she does it. Then she comes running after me as fast as her little legs can carry her and pushes me towards the door saying, "go mommy, go." I just can't tell you how much I love this little peewee sprout. Way...way...way too much. I'm in serious trouble!

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